Thursday, March 16, 2023
10:00AM – 3:00PM CST
Have you always wondered why the top real estate agents, loan officers, insurance agents and sales people always seem to have a constant flow of business no matter what the market is doing? Is it possible they just know things that others don’t and do things different than most? More importantly, if WE know what THEY know can’t we just copy them and get the same result? The only problem is it’s nearly impossible to gain access to the top producers and learn EXACTLY what they do which leaves most sales people constantly floundering and rarely continuously growing and becoming a “High End Producer.”
If you are a real estate agent, a loan officer, an insurance agent and/or a high ticket sales person is exactly what you have been looking for!
This exciting four hour “LIVE Webinar” will change the way you approach your business. International speaker and CEO, John DeJulio will teach you EXACTLY what the best are doing in real estate agency, mortgage banking, insurance, etc. right now to automate a constant flow of clients. In addition, John is going to teach people the exact strategies and tools only the best in the world know when it comes to speaking and influencing so that these leads not only want to do business with the you but convert quickly!
Attendees will see why people who take this training and implement what they learn, continue to grow in any market. Change your words, change your world, and WIN 2023!
As a part of this unique “Live Webinar”, the attendee will learn:
for this training, John himself will break down LIVE, the blueprint he uses to speak, influence and inspire and along with LIVE Q&A.
This Webinar is typically offered at $497.00 but we are offering a 2023 Spring Special: $197.00!
Registration Limited
Thursday, March 16th, 2023
Event Time 10:00AM-3:00PM CST
“John DeJulio is an extremely dynamic and talented speaker who teaches others how to achieve results doing the same…”
Than Merrill
CEO Fortune Builders and TV Star “Flip This House”
“A blueprint for excellence. In my personal experience, I’ve seldom met anyone that not only has the ability to perform at the highest levels but show others how to do the exact same thing!”
Andy Tanner
CEO and Best Selling Author
“If you want to learn the techniques only the top speakers and influencers in the world know, go see John DeJulio!”
Dave Seymour
CEO Freedom Venture Investments and TV Star “Flipping Boston”