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Why Might a Landlord Use a Realtor to Find Tenants?

If you are a landlord, you will most likely agree that finding the perfect tenant can oftentimes be a tricky endeavor. No property owner wants to be stuck with tenants who are unable to financially afford the property, or who are simply difficult to deal with.
Fortunately, there is a way to very easily avoid all of this: hire a realtor to find you the perfect tenant. There are many different reasons why a landlord may choose to do this, and we are going to discuss some of these reasons and explain why it is a good idea that property owners should always take into consideration when trying to rent out one of his or her units.
For instance, if you happen to own international property that is not in the same country as your personal residence, it may come in handy to have a realtor that can deal with the tenant screening process for you. Naturally, it will be very difficult for you to interview potential tenants, look at their records, and discuss logistics with them. But, if you hire someone to do all of this for, you can rest assured that a professional is taking care of everything that needs to be done.
Another case where a landlord may choose to hire a realtor to find him or her a tenant is if they do not have very much experience dealing with renters. Realtors know all of the ins and outs of landlord/tenant laws, and they should ideally know exactly what to look for in regards to the perfect tenant. While you may not know what questions you should be asking potential tenants, a realtor will. This is incredibly useful, and hiring a realtor may help to prevent you from making mistakes and choosing a tenant that is not properly suited for your property.
Additionally, realtors are also completely unbiased when looking at potential tenants. Homeowners always run the risk of becoming emotionally attached to certain tenants, and thus giving them the rental unit even when they are not necessarily the best choice. This almost never goes well, and it is certainly not a position that you would like to be in.
A realtor will be able to look at your options without having the emotional attachments of the individuals being their friends, family, or previous tenants. With a realtor, you will get the best possible tenant without having to make any tough choices or potentially burning bridges…
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