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- Getting The Best Possible Quality Photos On MLSs and Syndicated Sites
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Unbelievably Bad Real Estate Photos: Before & After

Over the years I’ve made a collection of bad real estate photos. The interesting thing about the post that lists these estate listing is the sixth most popular post. Right up there with wide-angle lenses and pricing a shoot! I guess the reason these are so popular is that people dedicated to making property look good find it hilarious to see what people do that don’t care about making property look good!Recently Dave in Perth, AU sent me this article in the DailyMail.co.uk to add to the list. One of the listing photos has a huge pig sleeping in it. What can I say? I’ve added the link to the DailyMail article as item #10 on the list.
- Bad MLS Photos
- Terrible Listing Photos AOL.com
- What not to do when selling
- Hooked on homes
- Bad real estate photos
- Lessons bad MLS photos teach
- So Cal MLS Hall of Shame
- Lovely Listing
- Terrible real estate agent Photographs
- How NOT to sell your house: Hilarious collection of world’s worst estate agent photos
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