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The Benefits of Video Tours for Landlords

There are many things to keep in mind while you are the landlord and in need of marketing your property. It starts from deciding on a price, with all the ways to advertise the property or the screening of tenants and many more. Among all this, one thing that is must for this year is the proper video tour of your property.
Now the question that comes in mind is – Why is it required to have a video tour?
So far many real estate companies are neglecting this emerging way of advertising property. Though in today’s world, making videos or using videos is the way too powerful marketing tool. Only few of the landlords are taking advantage of this emerging tool, in renting their property.
It is rather astonishing as video always make higher impression than any text or picture. Most of the internet viewers find it clearer to decide after having a video guide of any product or property.
As of now not many landlords are using video listing as their marketing tool, therefore only a few rental specific data is present in the market. But if we consider the statistics, there is a great impact of these video content on the homebuyers than that of leasing a rental.
Let us now point out some of the benefits of video tours:
•Improved search engine rankings: If you have some videos on your web pages, Google will reward you. Video is one of the tools that will enhance your ranking in the competitive world of SEO and real estate listings.
•Time saving: In this busy world, it is quite time consuming to go and show your property to each of your new potential renters. Rather video tours are quite time saving. You can also make it compulsory to have a video tour before scheduling a showing. This will make sure that whoever walks in the door has the fair idea of the property.
•Shareable easily: It is also easy for you to share or recommend your property through these video tours. With the sites like, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter you can easily share your videos with your friends, recommend it to their friends and promote it on other sites through links.
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