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Perfect Pet Policy for Landlords

It is very much the case that property managers and the landlords do not allow tenants to have pets and if anybody taking the unit on rent has pet, they are required to decline the ownership of the pets. But, recently a study showed a great clash between the interests of both the parties regarding the pet ownership.
Property managers and landlords should realize that renting a property is only a temporary solution and tenant is more likely to move to the other property where they are allowed to keep the pets rather than getting rid of them. Also, reasons of landlords for not allowing the pets are beyond the comprehension levels of the pet owner.
There may be chance of potential damage to the property or rise of other problems by allowing the pets but, it is also true that allowing pets also increases the number of potential customers for your property. Also, due to scarcity of the units allowing the pets chances are they will rent your unit for a longer period of time than other tenants. So, here are few best practices that the landlord and property managers can opt while allowing the pets on the property.
- 1. Include additional security deposit than the normal charge to cover for the damage caused by the pet. An additional charge varying between $100 and $300 should be sufficient to cover for the pet damage.
- 2. Include a special term in the lease stating that the permission to keep a pet can be revoked if necessary.
- 3. Stating the expectations from the pet owners in terms of noise levels and cleanliness standards.
- 4. Maintaining and establishing guidelines for handling the pet if neighbor complains.
- 5. Stating the maximum number of pets allowed.
- 6. Also, state the kind of pets that are allowed such as cat, dog, fish etc. Non-traditional pets such as reptiles, wolf-hybrids and monkeys may give rise to whole set of different problems.
- 7. By allowing pets you should also start advertising your property on sites like doghouseproperties.com and peoplewithpet.com.
- 8. Please refer to state laws as federal fair housing act requires you to allow service animals for the disabled citizens.
Allowing pets in the unit is completely a matter of personal choice but in case some of you are considering expanding the horizon of the tenants the above points will help you master your pet policy.
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