- 4 Unexpected Things I’ve Learned From Buying My First Mobile Home Park
- How Ironic: America’s Rent-Controlled Cities Are Its Least Affordable
- U.S. homes are still a bargain on the international market
- Getting The Best Possible Quality Photos On MLSs and Syndicated Sites
- Home buyers in these markets have the upper hand
Landlords Enter the Flexible Office Marketplace

An increasing number of office landlords are offering flexible options to tenants who desire temporary space or a lease commitment of less than three years. A new report from LiquidSpace, an online transactional platform for linking office tenants with flexible opportunities, noted that more than 30 percent of public listings on LiquidSpace come from businesses sharing excess space, but building owners have jumped into the mix and now account for 7 percent of listings—double the amount a year ago.
“The opportunity to provide flexible space has gotten large enough [that] it’s now on landlords’ radar screen,” says Mark …
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