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Investing in Notes and Private Money for Self-Employed Buyers

How can you invest in notes?
What credit alternatives exist for consumers?
Get answers to these questions by listening to this week’s Ilyce Glink Show. You can click the audio link below to listen to the full show, or download the podcast via iTunes.
On this week’s show I talk to four guests: Joel Cone, a freelance real estate and business journalist who writes for U.S. News and World Reports; Steve Ely, the CEO of eCredable; Nino Sitchinava, the Chief Economist for Houzz; and Michael Slavin, the CEO and founder of Privlo.
More About This Show
How to Invest in Notes: [7:55]
I recently got a comment on Twitter from a viewer who asked me to talk about investing in notes, which can be a useful real estate investing strategy, particularly when large numbers of loans are in default. Real estate notes, paper, debt, loans. Regardless of what you call them, I’m talking about buying mortgages from a bank or other financial institution so that, in most cases, you own the lien on a piece of property. There are advantages, disadvantages, risks and rewards to investing in notes. So I invited Joel Cone, who has written about investing in notes for U.S. News and World Reports, on the show to share what he’s learned.
eCredable: What Credit Alternatives Exist for Consumers? [16:10]
I’ve talked a lot about alternate credit scoring models lately. Reason being, many otherwise qualified buyers are being frozen out of the housing market because of their thin credit histories with the major credit reporting bureaus. And not to mention the strict lending standards we’re seeing for mortgages today. I have Steve Ely on the show to talk more about this.
Strong First Quarter for Renovation and Remodeling Industry: [26:25]
The Houzz Renovation Barometer shows more professionals reported quarter-over-quarter increases than decreases in Q1 2015 business activities. I have Nino Sitchinava on the show today to talk about the findings.
Privlo: Private Money for Self-Employed Homebuyers: [30:40]
Privlo is a private money lending company that focuses on self-employed applicants. It’s currently offering mortgage loans in 11 states, with plans to nearly double that number by the end of the year. Illinois is the newest state they added. So I have Privlo’s founder and CEO, Michael Slavin, on the show to talk about their business model and what consumers can expect to pay if they’re approved for a mortgage.
Q&A: Leveraging Debt vs. Building Equity for a New Investor [42:50]
I recently got a question from a first-time investor in his 20s about leveraging debt versus building equity in real estate. He asked whether I recommend reaching a specific level of equity in a rental unit before purchasing another property. Listen to the show for my answer.
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