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Get Google Earth Pro for Free – Great for Video Tours!
By reinvestor on July 1, 2015

Google Earth has been around for years, yet it still makes my jaw drop.
I mean, seriously, for centuries the only way to get a “bird’s-eye” view of our planet was to spin an actual globe. Now we can “fly” to any location and zoom all the way in from space to a couple hundred feet above real, satellite-mapped ground.
Google Earth Pro Screenshot by Rick Broida/CNET
Most amazing of all, Google made this tool available for free. This despite an educational — and, let’s be honest, entertainment — value that’s virtually impossible to measure.
What you maybe didn’t know is that Google has long offered a Pro version of Earth as well, one that cost a hefty $399 per year. Now, however, you can get Google Earth Pro absolutely free.