- 4 Unexpected Things I’ve Learned From Buying My First Mobile Home Park
- How Ironic: America’s Rent-Controlled Cities Are Its Least Affordable
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- Getting The Best Possible Quality Photos On MLSs and Syndicated Sites
- Home buyers in these markets have the upper hand
Dealing with Angry Sellers [PROFANITY]

It’s one of the most bizarre phenomenons that continues to fascinate me about the business of real estate investing.
As an investor who specializes in buying and selling vacant land – I send out A LOT of laughably low-ball offers to people.
Given that I usually have to send out an average of 8 – 12 offers (sometimes more) for every single acceptance I get, it takes a lot of stamina to go through these motions, over and over again.
Nevertheless, the need to send out gobs of low offers shouldn’t surprise anyone. Let’s face it – if you’re expecting to buy a property for a small fraction of market value, it’s not going to happen without hearing the word “No” a lot more than you hear “Yes”…
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