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Attracting Good Residents: The Inexpensive Way

The world of real estate is dynamic and highly competitive. There is a never ending race between the landlords and mangers to attract the nice and decent tenants/residents. But as air moves from the high pressure area to low pressure area and water tends to flow from the higher altitude to lower altitude so is the nature of good residents, they flow where they are treated the best. Since these residents are important to everyone, we decided to raise the curtain from tactics which not only attract the good resident but are also inexpensive. But, before diving into the ways, let’s understand what makes the resident good.
Good Resident
Following points accounts for the definition of the good residents and we believe you cannot agree more:
- 1. Have outstanding credit history
- 2. Takes good care of the place
- 3. Stays at one place for a long time
- 4. Honor the lease agreement completely
Such residents are generally very simple people and can be attracted very easily with very little gestures. Following steps can be taken in this regard:
1. Maintain the bathrooms and make them sparkling clean and highly sanitized. Replace the rusty plumbing and remove any foul smell. Also, make sure that the lighting is adequate.
2. If, possible install tile backsplash in kitchens. They offer various advantages
- 2.1 They are beautiful
- 2.2 They are easy to clean
- 2.3 Provide protection to walls
- 2.4 Reduces the paint job required in kitchen
- 2.5 Make the kitchen colorful
3. Maintain wooden floors and cabinets by polishing them on timely basis. This can be a little expensive but the rental rates can easily be justified and you attract good residents.
4. Use air fresheners that smell pleasant and subtle. Using the deodorizers with the strong smell may not be a good idea. If possible use natural herbs as air freshening agent. They :
- 4.1 Are natural
- 4.2 Reduces anxiety
- 4.3 Offer peace of mind
- 4.4 Promotes healthy living
5. Maintain you’re parking area with the adequate amount of light and necessary security. If required, install the CCTV camera
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