Rehabbing to Maximize Profit

By on July 1, 2015

–>Show Summary

Knocking out a rehab, that is, making it the nicest house on the street, isn’t always the best investment of your resources. Jacob Ash joins me on today’s show to discuss how you can ensure that you maximize your profits as a rehabber. It’s part science, and a bigger part of ‘art’ than most would expect. Jacob has a ton of experience as an investor, and even more working with investor clients. Check it out…only on!

Highlights of this show

– Meet Jacob Ash of Gentry Real Estate. – Listen to Jacob’s story of how his firm has purchased over 10,000 houses, mostly at Arizona auctions. – Join the discussion on what it takes to be successful as a rehabber. How to maximize profits, and minimize your chances of failure.

Read more at Real Estate Investing Podcast

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