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7 Ways to Make a House a Burglar-Proof Fortress

Instead of simply relying on an outdated deadbolt to protect your valuables, there are a few other methods to enhancing the safety and protection of your home. By installing a few features and practicing simple techniques to trick burglars, you can make your home less of a target. You’ll not only deter possible intruders, but can have peace of mind knowing that your home is a burglar-proof fortress.
1. Install Smart Locks
Even burglars who are attempting their first break-in can easily access a home by getting past basic locks with the use of a credit card. Install a smart lock on the front and back door of your property, which will prevent someone on the outside from entering without a key and will often make it impossible to use if it’s fiddled with.
2. Use a Security System
The most effective way to prevent your home from becoming burglarized is to install a security system that will protect your property 24-hours a day. Companies like Arpel Security Systems will provide motion sensors, warning stickers or lawn signs, wireless keypads, and backup power supplies to safeguard your valuables with the most advanced security network.
3. Leave a Vehicle in the Driveway
Home intruders are known to scope out a property before they attempt to steal valuables that are left indoors. If you’re away from the home during the day or are on a vacation, it’s important to leave a vehicle in the driveway to make the property look occupied.
4. Use Sensor Lights
Burglars are often successful at break-ins by hiding in dark shadows on the property. Use automated lights at various points of entry on the first floor to startle intruders who may be lurking. The sensors will also cause the burglar to assume that someone is home.
5. Replace Your Doors
Hollow doors are easy for intruders to break through due to their low density, which are often easy to kick in. Install either solid wood or steel-wrapped wood-core doors on the ground floor of the home for a sturdy feature that will be more difficult to break down.
6. Add Timers on Lights
For intruders, it can be easy to spot a property where the homeowners are away based on lights that are turned off. For someone who may be targeting your home, it’s important to use automated timers to switch lights or a radio on at specific times. The noise or lights will cause the intruder to avoid the risk and move on to another property.
7. Install Screen Doors
Steel screen doors may not be impossible to break through, but it’ll work as another obstacle for the intruder when they’re attempting a break-in. Install a screen door at every point of entry on the first floor and buy a frame that has a lock. For the burglar that is attempting to enter the home quickly, it may cause them to simply move on instead of getting spotted by a neighbor.
Although break-ins continue to increase and are currently on the rise, you can protect your space by using the right tools and products.
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